Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My angel baby

Today my baby girl turns 9. It's a bittersweet day for me, like most moms. It's a joyful day because I've gotten this beautiful little person through another year healthy, happy and even better she's flourishing. But it's a little sad because she's another step farther away from that sweet chubby cherub I brought home. Another step closer to womanhood and leaving me for bigger and better things.

I know my main goal as her mother is just that, to equip her to go off into the big bad world and take it on and succeed at whatever she chooses. This I have no doubt she will one day do, what saddens me is that one day is not as far off as it use to be, she's not so little anymore everyday that passes she's closer to her destiny whatever that may be. Everyday she seems a little more wise, a little more grown up and she's not even trying it's just the natural development of a growing girl.

For now I will just enjoy every minute I have with her. This precious child of mine who came into my life and changed everything. My little angel who saved me and made me a better person than I could have ever been without her. I barely remember the days before she joined us here on earth and I don't ever, ever want to imagine a day without her. I am still amazed that this beautiful girl with a heart of pure gold, is mine. I don't know what I did to deserve such a wonderful gift in my life because that's exactly what she is a gift, an angel sent straight from heaven to love me as much as I love her.

I know as a mother it's my job to brag about my kids but with her it's so much more she really is special. She's almost abnormally well behaved and has been since the day she came home. She was a quiet happy baby, an easy toddler, and so far a wonderful student.  She's the kind of friend you want for your little girl, she's sweet, and sensitive, she is understanding, sympathetic, empathetic, loving, and fun. She rarely gets upset and when she does it's usually for a very good reason, like someone else being wronged. She is truly a joy to have around, and I've been told that by many of her friends parents so I'm not blowing smoke.

One day she will grow up and leave home, go off to college, have a career, marry some incredibly lucky man, and maybe have babies of her own.She'll probably do something really amazing because that's who she is.  But no matter what she does in this life or where she goes she will always be my angel baby.

So with tears in my eyes, love in my heart and a smile on my face I wish my angel baby a very Happy 9th Birthday. Mommy loves you with all that she is baby girl.