I'm sure a couple of you noticed there was a change of name on my blog. I figured I should give a quick explanation. I received a very cordial cease an desist order, in the form of an email stating that apparently my previous blog name is already in use and has been for some time. So being the nice person I am I changed my blog name and url.I didn't really have a choice the person who had already been using it has had it since 2006 and it really is only right. She was pretty nice about it too. So if you follow me please be sure to update in you feed etc.
In happier news I finally figured out how to blog from my nook and android so there will be more posts coming in the near future.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
New name same great Becky
Comments by IntenseDebate
Posting anonymously.
apparently I'm a threat,
new name still me