Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Working mama

I started working outside the house last July, I love my family and spending time with them is one of my favorite things to do. But it was time for me to get out and work again. I needed to do something out side the house, both for me to get a break from the daily grind at home, but also so I could feel like I was contributing financially.

I started out working at this really great banquet hall as server. I got to work some amazing parties,weddings, corporate gatherings,etc. I loved the job, most of the people I worked with were pretty awesome, the money was good, and best of all the hours were perfect. My boss was great about working with my schedule, and still getting me decent hours. Sadly right after Thanksgiving something stupid happened and I had to go on my way.

Maybe 2 weeks later I landed a new job at this great restaurant again as a server, and occasionally a bartender. After I was there about a month in a half I was given the position of floor manager.On top of serving, and the occasional day behind the bar, I was now responsible for the scheduling of the floor staff, deal with staff issues from petty arguments to discipline,interviewing and hiring servers, and scheduling and running banquet parties. I loved it, and for awhile I was making good money,then decent, then not so much worth leaving the house.

But while I was still working at the restaurant I finally got a call for the school district I applied to last year. After an amazing interview a background check and finger printing I was hired as a Substitute Teachers Aide (ParaPro). I've been working for about a month now,a different school everytime and only about once or twice a week. I have to say I love it though, the kids I'm working with are amazing and sweet and so so smart. I'm almost always in a POHI class or one on one Aide to a special needs student. The hours work great with the kids, and I'll get the summer off with them too.

I ended up leaving the restaurant early this week~ you can read more about that here ,I intend to find another serving job asap. But for right now I have to wait until some issues with the hubs employment are worked out.I look forward to being able to work full time again.

As much as I loved my years as a SAHM I really enjoy having something outside that's mine. I'll always be his wife, and his/her mom, but now I get to be Becky too. I also love that after years of feeling like The hubs was the bread winner, I've been able to add to that,and feel like it was ok to do something or buy something (within reason) without asking. For my own sanity not to mention what's best for the family I am now and will continue to be a working mama.