Thursday, June 7, 2012

And another school year comes to an end

Tomorrow morning I will drop my munchkins off for their last day as a kindergartner and a fourth grader, and it's oh so bitter sweet. It's been a long crazy year with many changes and more to come, both at home and school.

On a personal level we moved from the only home the kids had ever known and out of the city to a completely different district, we were able to finish the school year but were unsure what next year would bring. After a lot of thought, tears, agonizing and talking it over as a family we decided to go ahead and apply for out of district school of choice and see if we could at least keep the kids in the school they knew and loved. The girl was especially heart broken at the prospect of leaving her friends and classmates all of whom she had been with since pre-school, next year is huge for her 5th grade graduation, the dance, along with a dozen other activities just for them and I can't say as I blame her for being upset at the thought of leaving. I was too, I love that school as much as she does, it truly has a sense of community I don't want to lose. So we applied and within a very short time were thankfully accepted. So my babies get to stay where I know they'll be happy.

On a school level we gained several classes and couple hundred students when another local school closed it's doors, we also went from having only a principle to also having a vice principle. Many of our teachers moved grades and a few retired. The biggest news though was finding out a few months back that our principle of 18 years was in the running for the superintendent of the districts position. She got that position with the backing and blessing of everyone of us, because if she can do for our entire district what she's done with our school amazing things are in store for everyone who attends that cities schools. That does leave us wondering who will fill her shoes, and those are very big shoes to fill, but I have faith that she will leave us in good hands.

The princess was blessed not one year but two years in a row with an amazing teacher that we both came to love and adore and I believe will both miss something awful next year. To the point I almost begged her to move up a grade just one more time so that the girl could stay with her throughout her 5th grade year as well. Sadly it was not to be. I have put in a request for a particular teacher for next year but I won't know till a few weeks before school starts if she will get her or not. Hopefully whomever she ends up with will be half as wonderful as the teacher she's had these last two years, because she's one that will leave a lasting impression for a lifetime.

The little prince was beyond blessed this year and after the amazing pre-school teacher he had she was a hard act to follow. But his teachers, yes plural were more than I could have ever asked for. The main teacher Mrs.G is actually retiring this year and I want to cry just typing this, because she so obviously cares and loves these kids. I just thank god she chose to wait one more year before leaving, so that my son and I got the chance to be apart of her class. And her co-teacher Ms.C is probably one of the sweetest people I've ever met. I have no idea how to thank these women for everything they've done to help prepare my baby for what comes next. Especially when I wasn't entirely sure at the start of this year if he was ready for any of this. But thanks to the hard work they put in everyday I know he is not only ready but will do well.

So tomorrow when I drop them off I will be happy for the break that comes and excited for the munchkins because they made it through yet another year and are now 1st and 5th graders. But a little sad because they are growing up so fast and because some amazing women that have graced our lives will be gone when we return next fall. I wish them the best in whatever comes next on their journeys and hope that maybe someday our paths might cross again, even if it's just for a quick hello.