Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Remembering The Band's Babies

October 15th is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. Something everyone of us has been affected by in some way. Maybe you've lost a baby, maybe you've miscarried, or maybe someone close to you has gone through one of these.

So on Saturday October 15 Band Back Together will be~

Remembering The Band's Babies

The Band will have a post that will be continuously updated with your babies you want to remember. To participate please send the following to jana@bandbacktogether.com with the subject OCTOBER 15.

Baby’s name (or names for twins, triplets or multiple losses)
Dates and the cause of death (miscarriage, stillbirth, prematurity, heart defect, group b strep, etc.)
URL to your blog or a post about your baby(ies)
Your first name if you want it included

If you'd like to share your stories here you can e-mail me at rsavu30@gmail.com with the same information as above. We may not have our babies here with us physically, but their memories never leave us and deserve to be shared.